Save Rose Creek

Our vision is for lower Rose Creek to be an open space park providing recreational and learning opportunities and a clean, healthy, aesthetically pleasing environment for residents, visitors, businesses, and native plants and animals, while serving as an accessible link for bicyclists and pedestrians to move between Rose Canyon Park, Marian Bear Park, Mission Bay Park, and surrounding communities.
Email us.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

San Diego Canyonlands Hike/Fundraiser

The Friends of Rose Creek is a member of San Diego Canyonlands - a new non-profit, dedicated to restoration and preservation of San Diego's unique canyons and creeks.

San Diego Canyonlands provides Rose Creek with support in a wide variety of ways. Now it's our turn to give back. Make a pledge today and take a hike with Afoot & Afield in San Diego County author Jerry Schad plus a copy of the book and more. For details on joining the hike, click here.

It takes $$ to protect and preserve San Diego's canyons and creeks.

Due to your support, thousands of adult volunteers and youth are learning about and taking care of our wonderful canyons.
  • Since SD Canyonlands began 10 years ago they have established over 45 new friends groups for the canyons.
  • With SD Canyonlands leadership, the county-wide Canyons Coalition continues to provide a united front for canyons protection.
  • The dream of establishing a San Diego Regional Canyonlands Park is marching forward.
Please Help -There are hundreds more canyons that are in need of a friends group and there are many threats that need our swift attention and organized advocacy.

To donate online, click here.